Inside the Newsroom

News, commentary, insight on local happenings and fun from the staff of The Saline Reporter and Milan News-Leader.

Monday, August 2, 2010

My Experience

My name is Devin Bow and my experience at the B.Side of Youth program and my job shadowing at The Saline Reporter was very interesting. What I learned in the B.Side is learning how to do web development. I've learned how to use html code and ap div. I have also no how to do video production. Our group did an interview with Corey about exercising and staying in shape. We also went all over the town to shoot B roll. Journalism was all about coming up with ideas and brainstorming for your articles. We have spent two weeks on journalism. My favorite parts of the program was video production and web development.

In my job shadowing on the last day, I did an interview with Leslee Niethammer, the directer from Saline District Library, about the children's summer program. That was my first time in the Saline library. I have also learn time, date, place of an upcoming event into the heritage calendar. I also talk to a person on the phone who wrote about an upcoming event in Ann Arbor. I asked questions about the event to her.

This experience will guide me through college although my main career is to be a carpenter. I also have a back up career to be in the game designing industry. I'm still in the works of becoming a carpenter due to my experience in the Regional Career Technical Center program in high school.

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