Inside the Newsroom

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Monday, December 13, 2010

The Big Chill was an event to remember

My wife and I attended 'The Big Chill at the Big House' over the weekend, and the event was, collectively, something I will not soon forget.

We were also able to get two tickets for my mother and father-in-law, both HUGE hockey fans, so to share in their excitement was wonderful as well.

Seeing over 113,000 people sitting outside for three hours in December was pretty amazing. Even though the temperature was in the low 40s when the game began, the weather got much colder as the sun disappeared.

The highlight for me, however, was watching as a B-2 Stealth Bomber flew over the stadium following the National Anthem.

It sort of crept up with little sound, thus the plane's name, and the roar could only be heard after it had flown past.

The Stealth flew fairly close to us, but you couldn't really see any distinguishing features such as a cockpit or landing gear. It just looked like a black triangle sweeping by.

Awe-inspiring to say the least.


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