Inside the Newsroom

News, commentary, insight on local happenings and fun from the staff of The Saline Reporter and Milan News-Leader.

Friday, April 10, 2009

As I sit here with my premature Easter candy...

... I can't help but feel that old familiar surge of senioritis that I'm no longer allowed to feel because I'm not a student anymore. But OH, do I feel it! But that's right, I'm an "adult" now with big-person responsibilities

Part of my senioritis (there really is no other word that appropriately describes this feeling) probably has to do with our lovely writer Sue G. spending her days and nights in gorgeous Portland, Oregon, which just so happens to be the one place in the country I'm dying to visit and have never seen. And although she's purchasing a t-shirt for me from my favorite book shop ever (Powell's Books,, my constantly-fidgeting right foot means that may not be enough to quench my thirst for laziness.

The other part is probably due to the schools and their respective spring breaks. For a week and a half now, I've been fielding the same question from coaches, parents, and players. "So, are you vacationing anywhere for spring break? Have any special spring break plans?" The answer is a resounding, "No. I am your puppet. I must seek out content, even after you have abandoned me for warmer, happier places." And no, I'm not bitter.

That's right. When everyone traveled to Mexico, Florida, Arizona, the Caribbean, and, heaven forbid, oversees, I was right here in Saline experiencing an APRIL SNOWSTORM. I'm sure the faces and gestures I made when I heard that little tidbit of news would have been reeeeeal entertaining for onlookers.

But I'm over it. Partly because the snow has again melted, and partly because I'm eating my premature Easter candy.... even though it isn't really Easter candy, but donated sweets from my boss to bribe me into doing stories. Don't tell her I'd do them anyway; I want the treats to keep coming. I'm also experiencing a much-needed boost from the festivities that surround the holiday with a very busy weekend planned. Several of my best friends are in town for the occasion, I have a wedding shower and Easter brunches and dinners to keep me full, and My Dear Disco is returning to the Blind Pig on Saturday. I'm going to be totally rejuvenated.

So for everyone returning from spring break or still on it, and for everyone celebrating the upcoming holiday weekend... cheers and huzzah!


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